
Second edition of Morocco Berry Conference attracts international audience

The second edition of the Morocco Berry Conference, held online on 7-8 April 2021, attracted a remarkable 550 visitors from 50 different countries.
jeu 06/05/2021 by Richard Wilkinson

The event’s virtual platform offered a series of presentations mostly related to growing berries and associated technical issues. As the platform remained open for 30 days, visitors could watch replays of the conferences, download presentations, visit booths, views videos, search for documentation, get in touch with sales representatives and network with fellow participants via chat messaging.

A multinational perspective was guaranteed by the colourful spectrum of speakers. From the US, Bernadine Strik discussed blueberry physiology and the pruning of blackberries. Sebastián Ochoa from Chile presented his studies on a substrate blueberry farm. From México, Miguel Ahumada explained trellising for raspberries. And from the Netherlands, Cindy Van Rijswick of Rabobank gave a global perspective of the international berry market. Morocco´s speaker was Amine Bennani, chairman of the national soft fruit producer’s association, who analysed data about the soft fruit industry in Morocco. Then, Dr Redouane ChoukrAllah gave a presentation on water scarcity. From South Africa, Pieter Zietsman talked about irrigation, before James Dick presented his views on pruning Southern Highbush blueberry crops. Finally, Elzette Schutte, from the Berries SA association, closed the conference by detailing the berry situation in South Africa.


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