
APBA initiates the construction of a new terminal for heavy traffic in the Port of Algeciras

jeu 06/05/2021 by Richard Wilkinson

The Port authorities of Algeciras (APBA)  assigned the OHL Company for the construction of a new area  for heavy traffic vehicles. It will host the second terminal for trucks and semi-trailers in the Port of Algeciras. There will be 542 places by summer 2022.

This new area will enable the Port of Algeciras to reach the two-digits increase in traffic between Algeciras and Tánger Med. Last March, it boosted up to 40,000 unites.


It is one more step in the accomplishment of Hercules Plan, endeavouring  jointly with other initiatives to stimulate regional companies and to develop the trade relations with neighbouring countries of  Southern Europe through intercontinental Europe – Africa bridge, which is represented by the Port of Algeciras Bay.

said Gerardo Landaluce, President of APBA.

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