
Asiafruit Congress highlights importance of health messaging

mar 05/10/2021 by Richard Wilkinson
Eurofresh Distribution

An online ASIAFRUIT CONGRESS was held last week on 28-29 September. Day two of the event examined consumer and retail trends, health messaging, e-commerce and sustainable packaging all came under the spotlight on day two of Asiafruit Business Forum.
The session began with a presentation from Alyson Dias, vice president of advertising and digital media at the California Table Grape Commission. Dias highlighted how the commission is incorporating health messaging into its promotions, on the back of extensive consumer research. She offered some practical advice to viewers based on this work.

“I believe shoppers will be increasingly motivated by foods that contribute to health; thus it becomes very important to marry each produce item with its season and relevant health benefits. For instance, grapes can be promoted as beneficial to skin health during the summer and contributing to immune health during the late fall (autumn) and winter,” said Dias.


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