
London Produce Show to collaborate with International Food & Drink Event in 2022

mar 07/12/2021 by Richard Wilkinson

From 2022, the London Produce Show, a popular meeting place for fruit and vegetable growers, will collaborate with the International Food & Drink Event (IFE). This is the largest food fair in the UK. With over 1,250 manufacturers and an expected over 35,000 visitors, this international fair offers an excellent opportunity for fresh produce specialists to introduce products and services to the UK market.
Nic Jooste of the Nic Jooste Strategy and Marketing in The Netherlands has taken up the challenge of creating something special at IFE:

“There are many innovative fruit and vegetable companies in The Netherlands, and indeed all over the world. Unfortunately, it often happens that the best innovations and great ideas are not placed at the centre of the stage. In consultation with the organizers of IFE and the London Produce Show, I have decided to set up an exclusive pavilion in which Dutch and other fruit and vegetable companies with a special story can participate at relatively low cost. For instance, innovations in the field of fruit and vegetable packaging, innovative value-added products, or modern ways to market organic fruit and vegetables. We are going to create a pavilion with a high WOW-factor. There will only be room for 10 companies on our pavilion, with no duplications. The companies that will participate in the Fresh Innovation Pavilion will therefore all be unique. We are doing the creative development of the stand with a solid eye for quality and detail, right down to the music, snacks and drinks. Half of the available space has already been reserved.”

In addition to the London Produce Show, several other sectors will be present at the 3-day event at the Exel Centre in London. IFE Manufacturing Solutions focuses on product development, product processing and packaging throughout the food & drink supply chain. Hotel, Restaurant & Catering (HRC) is the largest foodservice and hospitality trade show in England and consists of 4 separate trade shows including The Professional Kitchen Show, The Pub Show and The Foodservice Show.
Various network events are held with inspirational speakers and influencers where (starting) companies can gain practical information about successful entrepreneurship and make new contacts with fellow entrepreneurs, experts, suppliers, service providers, government, industry organisations and the media.


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