
International Cherry Symposium at Macfrut 2022

mer 05/01/2022 by Richard Wilkinson
Eurofresh Distribution

On May 4th 2022, the world’s leading cherry experts from the United States, Chile, Europe and Italy will come together to address fundamental issues regarding cherry growing at Macfrut 2022 in the Rimini Expo Centre.
The topics range from the direction in which the global cherry market is going to the economic sustainability of the new cherry groves, to continue with biotechnologies applied to varietal innovation and the most innovative forms of farming. It then continues with key issues such as the precision management of cherry orchards, coverings, the defence and post-harvest.
The talks will alternate with round tables in a full-day programme, with in-depth discussions and networking opportunities between the main experts in the sector.
The Symposium will be open to all players in the international cherry sector, where the top players in the production of cherries will meet to evaluate and analyse future prospects and market trends. There will be presentations by speakers from the main areas dedicated to this crop such as Turkey, the United States, Chile, Uzbekistan, Spain and Italy.
An elite of professional experts will guide the participants at Macfrut 2022 in a series of dedicated visits to the stands of the main companies that have invested in the cherry supply chain: varieties and rootstocks, multitasking covering systems, processing technologies and packaging.


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