
UNICA commits to UN’s Global Compact

UNICA has reaffirmed its commitment to the Global Compact and to aligning its operations with the Ten Universally Accepted Principles in the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment and the fight against corruption, and to adopting measures in support of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
lun 15/02/2021 by Richard Wilkinson

UNICA has joined as a participating member, which gives it a higher level of commitment and greater involvement.

“Our business model as an agricultural cooperative has many values ​​related to this global commitment. But we have to do much more; our company culture must be oriented towards contributing to the objectives of sustainable development as the basis of all our actions as an organisation,” said director of UNICA, Enrique de los Ríos.
“None of this will be worth anything”, said de los Ríos, “if the consumer does not distinguish or does not value sustainable products with social value. In this field, as in the health of the products, it is not enough to be so but to make it known and that the consumer prefers us through collaborative marketing between related companies compared to other companies and products that do not meet these requirements. We produce health, fruits and vegetables that are healthy foods, mainly through social economy companies that ensure that the wealth that is created is distributed fairly. By adhering to the Global Compact we want to communicate that social contribution that we make, the wealth that is distributed in society, the economic sustainability of the product, how important it is for thousands of families the fact that fruits and vegetables generated through the gear are consumed of companies of social economy, from the respect to the environment.”

UNICA joins thousands of companies worldwide and is committed to taking responsible corporate actions to create the world we want.
About the Global Compact
The United Nations Global Compact operates in Spain through the Spanish Network, which currently has more than 1,720 entities adhered to this initiative of corporate social responsibility. Of these, 22% are large companies, 62% are SMEs and 17.6% are other types of third sector entities, unions, business associations and educational institutions. Its objective is to promote the implementation of the Ten Principles of the Global Compact among the signatory entities for business sustainability and to contribute from the private sector to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).


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