With the introduction of its 3 packing stations and their entire supply chain, the company run by the fourth generation of the Muyshondt family aims to become the most reliable supplier of fresh and frozen potato products in Western Europe. “We are now at the stage of rationalizing our fresh packing activity and the supply chain to the packing stations,” explains their managing director Hans Muyshondt. Heavy investments have been made at Pomuni Trade in Ranst, Pomuni Fresh in Thorembais-les-Beguines and Pomuni France (near Dunkerque). After the acquisition of the 2 packing stations in Wallonia and France in 2010, Pomuni started an integration process at each level of the supply chain. The family company organized a large variety fair for the first time with the participation of all the producers and customers, with demonstration of all the varieties being tested or produced. Dirk Cornelis, growing and procurement manager: “We are ready to achieve 100% satisfaction among our customers, providing constant quality at superior standards.” All the farm contracts are concentrated in 2013, the management of the stock is also now unified and the 3 packing stations are constantly audited in order to improve any critical point.
“Today we are able to supply new customers in other markets with complete uniformity and the highest quality standards.” Most Pomuni customers have been dedicated on a long term basis, some of them for more than 40 years. “We already supply our specialties to German, British and Nordic customers.” All formats can be delivered, from 1kg to 25Kg. At the same time, Pomuni innovates on the domestic market with new attractive packaging, giving the product better visibility and transparency. Every item is supplied with the customers’ desired guarantee of quality standards. The company is IFS and BRC certified to a high level, and all of its contracted farmers comply with the GlobalG.A.P. standards.
“We give great emphasis on local produce, which is more sustainable and comparable in quality with the best qualities grown in France.” Pomuni also continues to position itself as the top Belgium potato importer, with a 50% participation at Primimport, specializing in trading in early potatoes from Mediterranean countries like Israel, Cyprus and Spain. The company annually trades in 220,000 tonnes of washed and packed potatoes, as well as frozen products from mashed potatoes like pommes duchesses, pommes noisettes, croquettes, waffles and smilies. “We supply nearly all the Dutch and Belgian retail chains,” says Hans.
“To increase our position in sourcing, we also work closely together with breeding companies like HZPC, Meyer, Agrico and others. Strategic partnerships also are important in seed potato varieties. In order to improve our reliability for our customers, we sometimes multiply dedicated varieties. “For example, we have been doing this with Exempla for more than 10 years,” explains Dirk. Exempla is a firm seeking variety, with slightly higher dry matter than the standard firm skin variety, with a specific taste. PE
ClemenGold – citrus at its best
Four years after its launch, the sweet and seedless easy peeler brand, ClemenGold, is enjoying an enviable position on the shelves of selected Canadian, European and Chinese retailers. Quality, innovation, strong partnerships and sustainability lie at the heart of this easy peeler brand.
Sun ripened and hand-picked by selected growers from South Africa and Spain, as well Australia, Peru and even Morocco; this bright orange citrus fruit, with its lovely peel, has a special taste profile with a well-balanced acid to sugar ratio. ClemenGold also has an excellent shelf life.
“The core value of this easy peeler brand is ensuring that only consistently good eating quality fruit is marked and supplied as ClemenGold. To ensure this, quality inspections are conducted on three levels: at source, on arrival in the marketplace and in-store,” says Michelle Kruger, Global Brand Director at ClemenGold.
With the Citrus Black Spot issue in the EU breathing heavily down the neck of some ClemenGold supply countries, new markets are being explored, and securing the supply of good quality, ‘healthy’ fruit is crucial.
The ClemenGold brand has thus far only included the Nadorcott variety, and the original raison d’être for the trademark was to differentiate and protect the value of good quality for Nadorcott in the face of a growing volume of varied quality.
But to stay ahead of the curve, businesses have to take risks and innovate. New varieties that fit the ClemenGold profile are currently being experimented with and some are already beyond the trial phase.
Apofruit reports optimum product quality
The leading group from Emilia Romagna (Italy) has had a good summer season so far. Apofruit’s commercial manager, Ilenio Bastoni, declared: “Currently (July 2013) we are seeing a slight reduction.
« But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure? »
C.H. Robinson Names Gary York Director of Sourcing for Europe
Given the demand in Europe for a global supply of fresh fruits and vegetables, C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc., one of the world’s largest produce sourcing and logistics companies, has promoted Gary York
Wilko Fruit increases its portfolio with berries
The Breda importer Wilko Fruit has built up its significant stake in the Dutch market by specializing in summer fruit, and much more so today. It is increasing its portfolio of cherries and berries, supplying 12 months
C.H. Robinson Continues European Growth
A rising tide lifts all boats. C.H. Robinson Europe continues to focus on growing the temperature controlled business on the continent while also introducing new agricultural commodities and leadership in the region.