
UNICA to meet sector at face-to-face edition of Fruit Attraction

UNICA to meet sector at face-to-face edition of Fruit Attraction
Fruit Attraction’s return to a face-to-face format provides the opportunity to strengthen customer relationships and intensify internationalisation. After a very complex year and a half, Fruit Attraction provides an unbeatable […]
mar 21/09/2021 by Unica Fresh - Translation Richard Wilkinson

UNICA commits to UN’s Global Compact

UNICA has reaffirmed its commitment to the Global Compact and to aligning its operations with the Ten Universally Accepted Principles in the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment and the fight against corruption, and to adopting measures in support of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
lun 15/02/2021 by Richard Wilkinson

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