
Tesco records surge in post-Christmas sales

UK retailer Tesco has seen a large bump in sales since Christmas, but costs associated with the pandemic continue to soar, as restrictions are strengthened.
jeu 21/01/2021 by Richard Wilkinson

Tesco to return money meant to support struggling retailers

UK retailer Tesco has promised to pay back the £585 million it saved from a business rates holiday aimed at helping struggling retailers cope with the Covid-19 crisis. Tesco’s chairman, […]
lun 14/12/2020 by Richard Wilkinson

UK supermarket sales growth continues 

Supermarket sales in the UK were up 9.3% for the August-October period. However, unlike with the first lockdown, there is no evidence of consumer panic-buying at this stage, according to […]
jeu 19/11/2020 by Richard Wilkinson

Demand for organic ginger skyrockets due to the pandemic

In 2020, Peruvian ginger reached export levels never recorded before. The healthy properties and nutritional benefits of ginger, added to the decrease in supply from China, the world’s leading producer, […]
mer 11/11/2020 by Richard Wilkinson

VSSE forced to cancel expoSE and expoDirekt 2020 trade fairs

Due to a surge in Covid-19 infections across Europe and Baden-Württemberg now being declared a risk area, the Verband Süddeutscher Spargel- und Erdbeeranbauer e. V. (VSSE – Association of asparagus […]
lun 02/11/2020 by Richard Wilkinson

British consumers flock to farm stores in wake of Covid-19

Research published by Barclays reveals how British consumers have changed their grocery shopping habits as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. One quarter of UK consumers now claim to buy […]
mer 21/10/2020 by RIchard Wilkinson

The strategies of largest Russian retail chains during pandemic

As predicted earlier, Covid-19 keeps on threatening the health of the citizens from many countries, and to those countries’ economics consequently. The managers of all the businesses speculates over the […]
mar 13/10/2020 by Richard Wilkinson

AECOC to pay tribute to sector’s key role

On September 30 at the Valencia Conference Centre, AECOC will hold an act of recognition and tribute to the fruit and vegetable sector for its key role during the COVID-19 crisis.
lun 21/09/2020 by Richard Wilkinson

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