A taste explosion for Val Venosta apples

This new apple presentation aims at changing the consumer’s approach when it comes to choosing an apple: no longer according to its color or price or simply by habit but rather by taste so that everybody can find his/her favorite fruit. This is why the new presentation is the discovery of a new world, a fascinating journey inside the varieties and their tastes. The result is a product with an increased value. Similar to wines, the different apple varieties are presented emphatically and emotionally with very detailed descriptions of their taste and specific characteristics.
VIP thus decided to increase the value of the apple with a new visual and textual representation by revolutionizing the communication in the sector and eliminating technicalities. Following the example of the wine industry, the focus is on an emotional tone.
This new approach will also be a format for the points of sales to share with distribution partners with the goal of increasing the value of apples, informing the consumers and supporting them to find the taste that most suits their personal preference.
“Apples are unique fruits that are, however, often presented to clients in a trivial and simple way. Every single variety has its own specific characteristics. Due to the enlargement of our assortment we have to address the consumer in an innovative way with a new approach that also includes our retail partners,” explains VIP’s CEO Martin Pinzger.
“We have to start with the basic values and communicate to the consumers that apples can contain up to 300 different aromas. The apples’ variety in terms of taste and consistency is completed by an immense aromatic diversity. All this, however, has been valued far too little so far. The apple is in fact one of the most undervalued agricultural products from an organoleptic point of view. This is why we decided to take an initiative that marks a change by offering an instrument for a new and more appropriate perception of the apple,” comments Fabio Zanesco, Sales and Marketing manager of VIP.
Benjamin Laimer, VIP’s head of marketing, explains the approach that was necessary to guarantee the use of professional contents and an emotional communication for the consumer at the same time. All this required a structured strategy. The first step was a sensory analysis in collaboration with a well-known Swiss sensory scientist. In addition to elaborating product descriptions in terms of taste, smell, appearance and inner values for all our apple varieties, we also had to make emotional and attractive pictures of the single products. “All these elements guaranteed a 360-degree presentation of the apple,” specifies Laimer. “We can thus best support the consumers in the selection of their favorite varieties.”