
Adopt a Tree campaign aims to strengthen ties between consumers and Pink Lady® producers

jeu 10/12/2020 by Richard Wilkinson

On Saturday, October 24, the sponsors of Operation Adopt a Tree were in the orchards to harvest Pink Lady® apples. The Adopt a Tree campaign has been a resounding success over the  past two years, with consumers eager to better understand the origin of the products and to meet the Pink Lady® producers. This mechanism offers consumers the opportunity to sponsor a Pink Lady® tree in an orchard near their home. Thus, the 400 consumers who adopted a Pink Lady® tree last March received year-round live information from the producer on the apple cycle and came to pick their Pink Lady apples during the harvest.

Proximity and transparency are some of the key values ​​that have driven Pink Lady® since its inception. A true moment of sharing between consumers and passionate producers, this operation is in line with one of the four pillars of the Pink Lady® charter: the relationship with the consumer. The initiative will be renewed next season.


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