
Andalusia’s agricultural sector calls for agricultural workers to be given priority vaccinations 

The Andalusian Confederation of Food and Perfume Entrepreneurs (CAEA) has requested "adequate priority" so that the region’s 125,000 agricultural workers can access a vaccine, given that it is an "essential sector", as stated by the government.
jeu 25/02/2021 by Richard Wilkinson

The president of the CAEA, Virginia González Lucena, said that it is

« essential to protect with the administration of the vaccine workers in the commercial distribution of food and basic products in their professional work while the current pandemic situation persists. »

Likewise, she recalls that it is

« a sector that has more than fulfilled the tasks that had been entrusted to it as a strategic service, guaranteeing in any case the supply of basic products and basic necessities ». She also emphasizes that these establishments are « safe places for workers and consumers, thanks to the prevention measures adopted by companies. »


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