

mar 11/01/2022 by Richard Wilkinson
Eurofresh Distribution

The Assembly of the European Horticultural Regions (AREFLH) has joined the CUTE SOLAR consortium, which promotes solar greenhouses, together with APROA and HORTIESPAÑA. Founded in 2000, AREFLH has become an essential place of exchange and support for producing regions. The objective of AREFLH is to represent and defend the economic and social interests of the regions and producers in the European institutions. It is a platform for the exchange of experiences and good practices, in order to promote joint actions between regions and professional organisations.
AREFLH’s entry into the Cute Solar consortium coincides with the exit of EUCOFEL, FruitVegetablesEUROPE, which has only completed the first year and a half of programme development. The withdrawal is due to a divergence of interests with many of the members of the organisation.
Among the key actions of Cute Solar this year is the development of the European Congress on Solar Greenhouses, Inversolar, which in its second edition attracted over 5,000 followers during its two sessions and a total of 3.2 million impacts through the internet and social networks. 
Cute Solar, Cultivating the Flavor of Europe in Solar Greenhouses, is a programme promoted by APROA, Association of Organisations of Producers of Fruits and Vegetables of Andalusia, HORTIESPAÑA, Spanish Interprofessional Organisation of Fruits and Vegetables, and AREFLH, European Assembly of the Regions Fruit and Vegetables, with the aim of informing European consumers of the specific characteristics of agricultural production methods in solar greenhouses, especially in key aspects such as sustainability and respect for the environment and the safety, quality and traceability of crops.


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