BASF enlarges its lettuce portfolio with more resistant varieties to cover the entire cycle

Between 15 and 19 February, BASF is holding a new Lettuce & Spinach Demo Field event at its facility in La Palma in Cartagena (Murcia) to showcase its new varieties and concepts in different types of lettuce and spinach. Observing strict hygiene and safety measures, technical and sales managers will be on hand to conduct personalized tours with clients as well as holding virtual meetings on request.
Once again, this year the BASF agricultural seeds division is organizing its Demo Field around a series of concepts which address current and future consumer needs. These concepts are grouped into four main sections: Taste and Appearance, uniting pleasure and flavour; Technology, focused on production efficiency solutions and including a strong commitment to mechanical harvesting; The Chef’s Lettuce, featuring varieties for use in the kitchen in sandwiches, burgers and snacks; and finally, Convenience, with user-friendly varieties that promote a healthier diet.
BASF is introducing new varieties in the different types of lettuce which meet a triple objective: completing the growing cycle in Spain, providing added resistance, and offering more versatile varieties, explains Carlos del Espino, Lettuce Account Manager at BASF. Theras* and VS15**, a new variety currently in development, are the new Little Gems, the former for an autumn-winter cycle and the latter for spring. Both are resistant to mildew and aphids and suitable for double purpose; in other words, thanks to their easy leaf removal they are ideal for sale either loose or as hearts. With these two new varieties, BASF continues to round off a range that already boasts Thicket* and Thespian, two extremely versatile Little Gems that cover the whole production cycle.
In the Mini Romaine range BASF is launching two new varieties: VS73**, in red (currently in development), and NUN 06574*, in green. The former is recommended for late autumn and winter plantings, while the latter has a longer cultivation calendar: late autumn, winter and early spring. Both stand out for their excellent shape and colour, which in the case of the red VS73** variety even reaches its innermost leaves, as well as being resistant to mildew and aphids. Meanwhile, Winbee* is the BASF variety for late winter and spring cultivation, being notable for its excellent tolerance to tip burn.