Carrefour promotes Alba Group cherries and food transition

The French retailer plans to sell 500 tons of Jerte cherries and picotas during 2021 as proof of its commitment to Extremadura’s product. A visit to the facilities of the Alba Group (a social economy company in Extremadura, Spain), where these cherries and picotas are grown. The meeting was attended by Alexandre de Palmas, executive director of Carrefour Spain; Jorge Ybarra Loring, director of Carrefour merchandise and Eric Caruelle, director of Socomo. Representing of Grupo Alba were Alberto Serrano, commercial director, and Ángel Vicente, financial director.
The agreement is part of Carrefour’s commitment to local producers and its objective of leading the food transition for all. Carrefour distributes cherries and picotas to its more than 1,200 establishments in Spain and exports these fruits from the Jerte Valley to countries such as Italy, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.