
Certis launches Growing-For-The-Future programme

mer 10/11/2021 by Pierre Escodo - Translation Richard Wilkinson

Certis Europe has underlined its commitment to sustainable solutions for citrus and the key role Spain must play. “We face a major challenge in the next 10 years, when Spain, a world leader in fresh exports, must continue to be at the forefront with production systems for crops such as citrus,” said Pedro Juan, project leader of the Growing-For-The-Future programme at Certis Europe. The demands from European retailers relating to the reduction or elimination of phytosanitary residues in citrus, traceability and environmental impact are among the challenges currently being tackled. 
Certis Europe’s advanced sustainability project “Growing For The Future” is based on pest and disease control programmes in both conventional farming (IPM programmes using a very low percentage of conventional products and a high percentage of biorational products) and organic agriculture for producing totally residue-free crops (using biorationals + auxiliary insects and pheromones for sexual confusion or “attract & kill” systems). Certis Europe’s portfolio of biorational products comprises registered products and proven programmes, which citrus growers can apply with confidence. They are in line with principles of sustainability, food safety and consumer trust and are already well in advance of European directives such as the “Farm To Fork” strategy. Undoubtedly, Certis is the leading company in Spain with biorational products registered by the Ministry of Agriculture.


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