
China’s walnut production to rise in coming years

jeu 28/10/2021 by Richard Wilkinson
Eurofresh Distribution

The world’s largest walnut producer, China expects its 2021/22 commercial crop (in-shell) to remain unchanged from the previous season at 1.1 million tons, according to a USDA report. A spring frost may cut production in Xinjiang, the largest walnut producing province, by 20% from last year, but production gains in other major producing provinces, including Yunnan, the second largest walnut producer, are expected to offset the crop losses in Xinjiang.
China accounts for nearly half of global walnut production and its output will continue to increase in the next few years as more walnut trees mature. More than 50 walnut varieties are cultivated in China. Some varieties, like the thin-shelled ones from Xinjiang, are large-sized and have a high kernel to in-shell nut ratio. Nevertheless, very few varieties compete with those from the US and Chile, such as Chandler and Hartley, which are popular among consumers for their light colour and mild taste.


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