
CMR Group aims to expand customer portfolio and increase turnover in 2021

CMR Group, a leading Spanish importer and marketer of fruit and vegetable products, aims to increase its turnover by 10% in 2021 compared to last year and expand its customer portfolio.
mar 30/03/2021 by Richard Wilkinson

Some of the group’s products have performed very strongly since the outbreak of the pandemic, especially during lockdowns, such as citrus, while others, focused on the food service channel, have seen notably reduced demand.
With a seasonally adjusted and wide offer, CMR Group covers all sales channels, from retail to large distribution, with supply programmes that cover all campaigns and adapt to the different formats and specificities that each channel requires. The group operates out of the Mercabarna, Mercamadrid and Mercaleón wholesale markets to serve its specialised customers, as well as through export departments to reach customers from other countries. It also has commercial sales offices in France and the Netherlands.
Jordi Martí, national commercial director of CMR Group, said:

« We have noticed a very positive response both in modern distribution customers, especially supermarkets, and in the traditional channel, but a marked decrease throughout the foodservice channel. »

CMR Group supplies the whole of Europe. Its strategy is to expand its client portfolio, given its ability to provide reliable and regular services with high-quality products from many different origins, as well as from its own melon and watermelon production areas. CMR’s off-season and sustainable production guarantees supply and complies with the programmes established at the beginning of each campaign. In addition, ten years after the current central warehouse began operating, CMR Group has completed the construction of new ripening chambers that will complement the current offer.

« We have experienced a progressive rise in demand for pre-ripened products, due in part to the great response we have received from our avocado brand AURUM, » said Martí.


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