FruitVegetablesEUROPE and EU launch “CuTE-4 You” campaign

The European fruit and vegetable association FruitVegetablesEUROPE (EUCOFEL), which brings together more than 4,500 companies from the main European producing and exporting countries, has launched with financial support from Brussels the promotional programme ‘CuTE-4You: Cultivating the Taste of Europe for You’. The campaign aims to highlight the essential work of the sector carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic and generate a movement in support of European farmers that promotes, in turn, the consumption of fruits and vegetables produced within the European Union.
The action of FruitVegetablesEUROPE, in which prominent and representative organizations such as Citrus Management Committee, Afrucat, Freshuelva, Cooperativas Agro-alimentary de Granada / Asparagus Verde, + Broccoli, Alcachofa from Spain, Proexport, Asociafruit, Afruex, Apoexpa, Fedefruta and FEPEX also intends to convey the messages of pride and belonging to the sector to millions of consumers in Spain, Germany and Belgium. In terms of population, these three countries represent around 141.4 million EU consumers.
General Secretary of FruitVegetablesEUROPE, Alba Ridao-Bouloumié, said:
“We ask citizens to look at the label and make sure that their products are from here. We all know that the best way to thank EU farmers for their efforts is to consume and enjoy European fruit and vegetables. With this, the consumer wins, the producer wins and EUROPE WINS.”
President of EUCOFEL and PROEXPORT, Juan Marín, said:
“From FruitVegetablesEUROPE we are very proud and excited about the launch of this EU promotion program. This is the most important political and social program that has been launched in the European Union to thank the European fruit and vegetable sector.”
The president also highlighted the strategic nature of agriculture because:
“we cannot remain in the hands of third countries and that any crisis, pandemic or geopolitical contingency could leave us without such much-needed food that Europe’s consumers need.”