Global Cherry Summit and Agricultural Water Summit postponed until 2022

The pandemic continues to take its toll on the sector’s calendar, with the latest events postponed until next year being the Global Cherry Summit and the Agricultural Water Summit. The location will remain the Hotel Sun Monticello in San Francisco De Mostazal, Chile.
Conference organiser Yentzen Group said that, given the global spread of the Delta variant and the extension of the Chilean government’s health warning until the end of September, it is impossible to hold this type of face-to-face event.
However, as a preview of both events and in order to respond to the concerns of the industry, Yentzen Group is holding two webinars during August 2021, one focusing on the water problem and another focusing on cherries. The aim is to provide attendees with a better understanding of the current issues affecting these two key elements of the sector.
For tickets, positions, and sponsorship opportunities, both for webinars and face-to-face events, contact Natalia Castillo at