GLOBALG.A.P. aims to make most comprehensive primary production standard yet

Guy Callebaut, chairman of the GLOBALG.A.P. Board, said,
“We consider the revision and improvement of IFA v6 to be a collaborative project involving all stakeholders and partners concerned with good agricultural practices.”
The online meetings, which provide opportunities to give direct feedback to GLOBALG.A.P. technical experts, cover areas as diverse as aquaculture and fruit & vegetables, and address target groups such as retailers, certification bodies, producers, and NGOs. Last June, the tour held meetings that directly addressed the work carried out by the respective technical committees, which asked for input on document structure, simplification, and topics such as water-risk assessment, fertiliser usage, and worker health and safety. It will require a non-stop process to create a comprehensive standard, since a multitude of topics and questions need to be discussed.
“We want to invite all companies worldwide to remain engaged with the ongoing developments as more and more World Consultation Tour meetings with additional focuses are being added to the range of conferences offered. We want to encourage them to engage with us in order to make IFA Version 6 their own product as well,” said Callebaut.
Feedback and comments can be sent up to its launch in September 2021 via