Horti DATA Forum 2020 stresses importance of digitisation

Last week, Spain’s Almería province became the country’s epicentre of horticultural digitisation with the development of the Horti DATA 2020 Forum. A complete programme of events with top-level experts in innovation and applied digitisation in the horticultural sector had a hybrid format, developed by the Almería Science and Technology Park under the organisation of Siete Agromarketing and the UPA.
With more than 250 people registered electronically, Horti DATA 2020 focused on digitisation in the horticultural sector and showcased the advances that digitisation can bring. The secretary general of the UPA, Lorenzo Ramos, said:
« New technologies have already entered areas of our life, agriculture and livestock, which cannot be ignored. It can help us improve production processes and be more efficient in our crops. »
Ramos also referred to the opportunities offered in the field of product traceability throughout the entire chain and so that
« the final consumer knows what conditions the products are grown in »,
as well as the wide possibilities that they generate for direct sale from the producer to the final consumer.
But the aspect that the Secretary General of UPA emphasised the most was the digital divide that still persists at the national level, taking advantage of this forum to call for greater connectivity throughout the territory and the elimination of digital poverty in rural areas in terms of quantity and quality of connection, as well as in terms of training.