India clarifies GM-Free Certification for imports

On February 8, 2021, the Indian government’s Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSAI) clarified that the implementation of the requirement for a Genetically Modified-Free Certificate for imported food products will apply to all consignments with a bill of lading dated March 1, 2021, and or after. The clarification further informs stakeholders about the permissible tolerance limit for the adventitious presence of genetically modified organisms (i.e., genetically engineered) at one percent. Earlier in its order of August 21, 2020, the FSSAI listed 24 food crops that are subject to this requirement:
1) Alfalfa
2) Apple
3) Argentina Canola
4) Bean
5) Chicory
6) Cowpea
7) Egg Plant
8) Flax Seed
9) Maize
10) Melon
11) Papaya
12) Pineapples
13) Plum
14) Polish canola
15) Potato
16) Rice
17) Safflower
18) Soybean
19) Squash
20) Sugar beet
21) Sugarcane
22) Sweet pepper
23) Tomato
24) Wheat