Indonesian market catches eye of West Australian producers

Photo: Bravo apple
West Australian fruits and vegetables will be the focus of online marketing campaigns in May and June conducted by high-end Indonesian supermarkets. Bravo apples, three varieties of table grapes and premium onions will be showcased in the ‘Fresh Flavours of Western Australia’ promotion in more than ten stores across Greater Jakarta.
The opportunity was leveraged from the new Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) signed in 2020, which has helped improve market access to Western Australia’s fifth largest export customer for agrifood and beverages.
Western Australia’s Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, supported by the Western Australian government office in Jakarta, connected trade partners through a virtual business matching programme.
This is the first time West Australian Bravo apples and table grapes have been exported to Indonesia, following successful shipments of carrots and onions in 2020. Alannah MacTiernan, Western Australia’s agriculture and food minister, said the programme had the potential to deliver even more opportunities in future. « This marketing effort, born from the new trade agreement and the virtual business matching programme, has led to the first ever shipments of premium West Australian fresh produce to Indonesia via importer PT Mulia Raya,” said MacTiernan. « The local participants in this programme, including WA Farm Direct, Fruitico and Patane Produce, have adapted to the new operating environment and pursued innovative channels to capture market opportunities.