International Blueberry Summit 2021 – Event Program

From August 23rd to 25th, the Peruvian Blueberry Growers and Exporters Association (Proarandanos) will be holding, in alliance with the International Blueberry Organization (IBO), the IBO Summit 2021 in a 100% virtual format.
The 3-day program will include presentations by renowned industry specialists, as well as virtual farm trips to learn about the operations that have make Peru the leading exporter of blueberries in the world. Below, we share in more detail the event program.
The summit will begin with a presentation about the Peruvian industry, its growth factors and projections, by the president of Proarandanos – Daniel Bustamante. Next, we will have a discussion on blueberry growing methods with Sebastian Ochoa and Mariusz Padewsky, renowned blueberry consultants, followed by a presentation by Cort Brazelton, Co-CEO of Fall Creek, with the global industry report. To close the first day, we will have virtual tours to different blueberry fields in Peru, where the viewer will be able to appreciate different aspects of the Peruvian operations, in regions such as La Libertad, Lambayeque, Lima, Ica, among others.
The second day will begin with a presentation by Emiliano Escobedo, Executive Director at Hass Avocado Board, detailing the promotional and marketing strategies of the avocado industry, which has achieved extraordinary results worthy of replication in the blueberry industry. This will be followed by a round table discussion on the future of counter-seasonal supply with the participation of representatives from Chile, Mexico, Morocco, South Africa and Peru. We will close day two with a presentation by Amy Howell, researcher at Rutgers University, on the latest in blueberry scientific research. This day we will have a second group of virtual tours.
On the last day we will have 3 presentations, the first on digital marketing and social media by Jennifer Sparks, VP of Marketing and Communications at USHBC, followed by a round table on sustainability beyond the traditional approach, moderated by Mario Steta, VP of Driscoll’s for Mexico, and to close the day we will have a presentation by David Hughes, Emeritus Professor of Food Marketing at Imperial College London, who will present the latest trends on quality and consumer preferences.
The IBO Summit 2021 will showcase the latest technical, promotional and environmental care trends, as well as industry statistics and growth perspectives.
More information on the event’s website: