
Joya®, a season full of promises

The 2020/2021 season promises to be exceptional for the Joya® apple, with an estimated production potential of 8,300 tons (nearly +27% vs. the previous year) and remarkable product qualities (intensity of colouring, sugar level, aromas, firmness).
jeu 25/03/2021 by Richard Wilkinson

The JOYA® production chain in Europe has been undergoing a revival since 2018 and the 2021 season marks the start of the commercial activity of 6 new authorised distributors: Apofruit, Unacoa Salvi, Cico Mazzoni, Granfrutta Zani and VOG in Italy as well as Costa Brava Giropoma in Spain.

On the production side, the arrival of 350 new producers will bring the total planted area to 750 hectares by 2023, for a potential under the Joya® brand of 22,000 tonnes by 2025.

Crunchy, tangy and sweet, the Joya® apple has remarkable organoleptic advantages. The very last apple to be harvested (mid-November) and with very good shelf life, Joya® has all the advantages of a second half of the season apple, an alternative offering many competitive advantages over imports from southern hemisphere.

To support this dynamic, recruiting and strengthening brand awareness is the priority this new season.

The « Joya® creates joy » communication platform is reinforced by capitalizing on the organoleptic qualities of apples to position the brand on tones of energy, impertinence, uninhibited enthusiasm and… joy! The main part of the communication will be digital with the development of an Italian version of the website, a speech that is both offbeat and informative on social networks and the recruitment of influencers in 3 priority markets that are the France, Germany and Ireland.

On the point of sale side, more than 1,000 days of animation are planned in supermarkets and wholesale markets to introduce people to the apple and will be supplemented by trade operations to boost the presence of the in-store apple.

Another strategic development for this season, Joya® is launching its new eco-designed packaging range at the start of the season and echoes the brand’s enduring values. The trays will be recyclable or compostable, with FSC certified cardboard from sustainably managed forests.


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