
LettUs Grow develops aeroponic irrigation systems for indoor farming

jeu 02/06/2022 by Gloria Zorrilla

“By 2050, we’ll have 2 billion more mouths to feed. This will need to be done with less farmland. Indoor farming offers a solution for growing fresh produce sustainably,” says co-founder Jack Farmer. LettUs Grow is an innovative business that aims to reduce the waste and carbon footprint of the fresh produce sector by encouraging urban farming. How? Its aeroponic vertical farming system inside a 40ft shipping container allows farmers to grow food in winter or even in the desert thanks to the greater water efficiency it provides. For Farmer, the future is clear: “The goal is to bring more food security to regions with harsher climates, all powered with renewable electricity. That is what our technology is about and it lines up with the rest of the industry. For example, in Holland, the greenhouses have been largely gas-powered and the whole industry is moving towards renewable power or biogas-based facilities.”


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