Maersk suspends shipping to Russia

As of 1st March, Maersk has temporarily suspended new bookings for ocean, air and intercontinental rail shipments to and from Russia. The suspension covers all Russian gateway ports.
A statement from the company said: “For cargo already underway and bookings placed before this suspension was announced, we will do our utmost to deliver it to its intended destination. Consequently, we will still call Russia although we will not accept new bookings unless they belong in the exception categories.”
Exemptions have been made for foodstuffs, medical and humanitarian supplies (bar dual-use items).
Maersk said it was deeply concerned by the escalating crisis in Ukraine following Russia’s invasion last week: “We are closely following the ever-evolving situation with governments posing new sanctions against Russia and the regular adjustments that are being made to the list of restrictions. With that in mind, we now see the clear need to establish new and revise existing processes of accepting and handling bookings.”
Maersk said the conflict in Ukraine was already impacting global supply chain flows. This included delays and detention of cargo by customs authorities across various transport hubs, resulting in unpredictable operational impacts.
“Please expect significant delays as countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany are holding back vessels en route to Russia in search of restricted commodities, primarily dual-use items,” Maersk said.