New Europatat Strategy 2022-2025

The new Europatat Strategy for 2022-2025 is an ambitious live document that will serve as the guideline for the association to serve the interests of the sector in the short-to-medium term. The new strategic vision follows a new outside-in approach that starts at the end and works backward by looking at what Europatat’s stakeholders want and coming up with solutions from that viewpoint.
The ambitious strategy is based on five Europatat’s core values: professionalism, empathy, collaboration, expertise, and agility. Next to it, the new mission and vision have been established:
- Mission: To connect, represent and coordinate a common voice for all actors in the European seed and ware potato trade chain towards European and international decision makers and other stakehold
- Vision: Europatat wants to be recognised as a proactive representative body that actively engages with its network.
The new strategy responds to four lines of actions (Secretariat and membership development, lobbying and intelligence gathering, information and communication, and RUCIP) and establishes a total of 15 targets to be achieved by 2025.
Given the importance of the discussions and the challenges related to sustainability in the potato value chain, a new internal Commission has been created to facilitate the exchange of good practices and the establishment of common positions for all seed and ware potato traders around Europe.