Offical communication on the fall of volcanic ash in Banana properties

It should be remembered that in June 2020 this eruptive process began that affected some crops in the provinces of Chimborazo, Bolívar, Los Ríos, Guayas and Azuay.
It is important to recommend that we remain calm and always inform ourselves from official sources. The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock- MAG through the Undersecretary of Strengthening of Musaceas will communicate and recommend on the affectation especially to the banana cultivation.
We are in the winter season and the fall of ash to the banana crop does not cause a major impact because the rain washes the ash from the leaves and with that it is avoided that the fruit or bunches are not contaminated.
Contrary to the summer where there is more affectation because most farms have a subfoliar irrigation that does not allow washing the leaves of the plants as occurs with rain in winter
In addition to the advantage of winter, MAG last year began training producers, especially small ones, on how to carry out certain agricultural practices such as: Holster, Harvest, and Process in packing plant, in order to ensure commercial quality and avoid losses. Economic due to ash fall, likewise protect the worker most of all with the use of masks and specific clothing to avoid contact with the ash.
We are together with the producer, given the need to care for this sector, in order to protect the economy of this area and the quality of the fruit, offering options for debt restructuring and delivery of sanitary and fertilization kits to small and medium producers, which will allow us to be competitive while maintaining prices and market niches.