
Philippines developing innovative range of mango varieties

jeu 23/06/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

A breeding programme by the Philippine Department of Science and Technology together with the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD) has developed a number of new mango varieties. The varieties were identified by the Institute of Plant Breeding (IPB) in the University of Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) through a programme funded by PCAARRD.
The mango is the third most-produced fruit crop in the Philippines, with 739,250 tons produced in 2020. While the Philippines exports fresh mangoes to China, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea, it only markets one variety. Export efforts are further hampered by short shelf-life, inconsistent quality and susceptibility to pests.
The IPB-UPLB breeding programme was launched in 2012 to help make the mango industry more competitive and has already produced the Mangoming and Farrales varieties, which have been registered with the National Seed Industry Council (NSIC) and the Germplasm and Technology Release and Registered Office (GTRRO) of the Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI).niiiiia

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