Pink Lady® Europe continues to recruit across Europe this season

Le Pontet, 29 June 2021 – This season has therefore been one of performance for Pink Lady® Europe, which has reaffirmed its dynamism across all markets with 202,500 tonnes (Pink Lady®/PinKids®) sold – almost 45,000 tonnes more than the previous season.
The combination of good weather conditions throughout the ripening period and right up to the harvest, along with the increase in consumption of fresh products sparked by the pandemic created a favourable environment, but Pink Lady® Europe demonstrated its dynamism beyond market averages. 202,500 tonnes were sold over 37 weeks of sales. Even with 45,000 tonnes more than the previous season, the destocking rate also increased.
On the market side, Germany, the United Kingdom and France remain the main destinations:
- Germany: 52,500 tonnes (+30% vs last season)
- United Kingdom: 40,358 tonnes (+41% vs last season)
- France: 28,500 tonnes (+15% vs last season)
Source: Kantar
These results show Pink Lady® has greatly outperformed the apple market across the Association’s 10 priority markets: in Germany, Pink Lady® recorded 30% growth on a market that fell by 3%; 41% in the United Kingdom compared to a market that grew by 3%; and 15% in France in a market that contracted by 3%. A similar pattern was seen in Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Italy and Norway.
As a driving force in the apple category, Pink Lady® Europe’s dynamism can also be seen in the significant increase in its market share in every country: +28% in Ireland (versus 26% the previous year) and an increase from 5% to 7% in the Netherlands, to name just two countries.
Finally, PinKids®, the high-quality Pink Lady® apple for children, is continuing to grow and is becoming a constant presence on supermarket shelves, reaching 6,000 tonnes this season – double the figure for last season and a 70% increase on the season before.
These figures have been boosted by a total of 836 trade marketing operations, 20% more than two years ago – and this dynamism has only bolstered the confidence of Pink Lady®’s partner retailers all over Europe.
This strong performance was supported by a new 360° communication campaign from the beginning of the season in 12 European countries, reaching almost 500 million contacts in Europe. Launched on TV, social media, in influencer programmes and in magazines to highlight the company and its brand values, “What can Pink Lady® do for you today?” is an emotion-driven campaign that highlights the values of premium quality, enjoyment, well-being, sharing, responsibility and excellence.
This campaign was supported by the work put in place on the four pillars of Pink Lady® Europe’s commitment charter: protecting the environment, developing growing areas, supporting growers, and relationships with consumers. The entire Association has rallied round this charter for a more sustainable vision of apple growing and is continuing to make progress across all of its pillars, including by rolling out eco-designed packaging to keep single-use plastic to a minimum, and by developing the Pink LAB, whose role is to support R&D for more sustainable growing.
This season was a great success for Pink Lady® Europe. For the next season, Pink Lady® Europe will continue to innovate and share its values with the general public. The period of frost suffered this year could have an impact on the next harvest but until then, now is the time for thinning out so Pink Lady® apples can develop their delicious taste for the new season!
Pink Lady