
Pink Lady® launches eco-packaging

mar 13/10/2020 by Richard Wilkinson

For several years now, the Pink Lady® Europe Association has been designing environmentally friendly packaging to meet society’s expectations and develop lasting solutions. As part of the Pink Lady® Europe charter of commitment, the objective this season is to offer a range of recyclable, compostable or biodegradable packaging, according to a press release.

Four criteria were used to design the new packaging for this season: eco-design, economic impact, technical / industrial performance and consumer perception. The new types of packaging selected are 100% cardboard trays for the Pink Lady® Bio and Crip’s® Bio brands; and 100% cardboard trays for a selection of European brands and the widespread use of stretch films and home compost flowpacks for the Pink Lady® and Pinkids® brands.

These cardboard packaging formats all incorporate materials from sustainable forestry certified with FSC certification. The fight against plastic is a key social issue and one of the objectives of the Pink Lady® Europe charter of commitment. The many innovations in this field open up new perspectives in limiting the impact on the environment.

Pink Lady® is committed to exploring them in order to continue to make its sector more sustainable, by responding to the technical and economic constraints of its sector while protecting apples and the planet.


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