Sandi returns this spring as « the first taste of summer »

Harvesting is underway of the first European watermelon grown in greenhouses in the southeast of Spain, destined for markets in Spain and Europe. To publicise the fruit’s healthy properties and excellent quality, COEXPHAL and HORTIESPAÑA are starting the promotion campaign, mainly through digital media, under the slogan « The first European watermelon”, to disseminate its health and organoleptic qualities.
New this year is a specially designed web page ( offering information on the fruit’s nutritional qualities and the main production and marketing figures, together with endorsements by “Ambassadors”, people from politics, culture or sports and renowned chefs, who will also prepare some recipes with the unique fruit.
Sandi is the character who gives visibility and prominence to the watermelon in all communications and posts on social networks, and will this year feature the slogan “The Taste of Summer” and the hashtag # LaPrimeraSandíaEuropa
Once again, collaboration has come from « Sabores de Almería » from the Almería Provincial government. The president of the institution, Javier A. García, the president of Hortiespaña, Francisco Góngora, and the manager of COEXPHAL, Luis Miguel Fernández, have sent watermelons as gifts to people from Almeria’s and Spain’s cultural and social scene to taste the watermelons from the southern greenhouses and get to know the campaign at first-hand.
During the past campaign, more than 100 million watermelons from Almería and Granada reached European consumers and 597,010 tons of watermelons were produced under greenhouses in southern Spain, which represents half of Spanish production. Spain is the world’s leading watermelon exporter, with 911,366 tons.