Seazons International expects to harvest 15,000 tons of Thompson grapes

For this campaign, the company intends to export approximately 15,000 tons of grapes (mainly Thompson). The firm’s first production of Arra 15 (Sweeties) saw around 500 tons exported with good arrival results, while its first production of the Maylen variety yielded 40 tons and is being shipped now, with the company eagerly awaiting its arrival.
The major markets for Seazons International are the EU, the Middle East, the Far East, Russia and Canada. Packing needs and specifications differ from market to market, as well as within the same market, since every customer has unique needs.
Seazons’ strategy for this year is to ensure better quality standards and less speculation. The firm’s director Azhar Tambuwala said:
« We have been working with new varieties for many years now and the fruit of our work is finally paying off now with the first harvests of Sweeties and Maylen. We are also working with other Grapa and SNFL varieties, which are currently in quarantine and will be planted later this year. »
This is an exciting time for the Indian grape industry, as if the varieties are successful, this will change the landscape of the table grape industry in the country.