
Spanish demand for organic fruit and veg surges

mer 09/02/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

Spaniards consumed 13.8% more organic fresh produce in 2021 compared to the previous year, according to IRI data. Overall, it was frozen products that showed the greatest growth (+54.4%), followed by fruit and vegetables.
In terms of sales channel, the IRI study concludes that organic products are mainly sold in large supermarkets (47.7%), gaining 0.9 points of value share compared to 2020. There are also differences according to the Spanish regions, with the south and northeast the largest contributors to the growth in demand for organics. The Catalonia area has a value share of 17.9% and contributed 0.8% to growth, followed by Andalusia (14.8%), which contributed 1.1% to the growth in demand.
The aspect that is being worked on the most is innovation in sustainable and efficient containers and packaging, followed by the proper management of materials and waste. It is worth noting that no retailer declares that they are not working on sustainable initiatives, while 5 of manufacturers do so.


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