Sun World Expands Footprint in Egypt and Italy Grants Eight Licenses in Key Markets Targeted for Growth

- Markets
- Produce
- Grapes
- Agricoper
- AgriMessina
- Agrintesa
- Agrostar
- Apofruit Italia
- Belco
- Di Donna
- El Roda
- Fayed Horticulture Export Ltd Co (FATA)
- Giuliano
- Magrabi Agriculture SAE (MAFA)
- Orchidea Frutta
- Peviani
- Pico Modern Agriculture
- Salvi
- Unacoa
- Unifrutti
- Autumncrisp
- Sable Seedless
Two new Italian table grape grower/marketers have also been appointed as part of the company’s strategy to extend its reach in these high-potential gateway markets, bringing the total Italian licensees to ten.
One of the primary motivations for this expansion is to satisfy the growing market demand for newer and improved table grape varieties for the fresh market globally. The expansion also reflects the transition taking place in these regions as public table grape varieties are replaced by superior proprietary varieties, such as those Sun World breeds at their Center for Innovation in California. Having an expanded portfolio of innovative table grape varieties will give the new licensees greater access to domestic and international markets and the opportunity for meaningful new revenue streams.
“We have been eager to announce this group of tremendous new licensees,” said Garth Swinburn, Sun World’s Vice President Licensing. “A hallmark of Sun World’s many years as an international fruit breeder and licensor is the longevity of our relationships with our licensees. We make the decision to grant a license with deliberation and care, so this is an important move for our company.”
The new marketers have been granted rights to distribute fruit from existing and new varieties developed by Sun World, marketed under the company’s powerful brands, such as AUTUMNCRISP®, MIDNIGHT BEAUTY®, SABLE SEEDLESS®, ADORA SEEDLESS®, SCARLOTTA SEEDLESS®, and SOPHIA SEEDLESS®.
Joining Sun World’s existing Egyptian licensed table grape and stone fruit marketer, PICO Modern Agriculture, the company’s newly appointed licensees in Egypt are as follows:
Agrostar for Modern Agriculture has been in business since 1998 and specializes in table grapes. Its 400 hectares of table grapes are marketed by its daughter company Egyptian Fruit Exports, owned & managed by Mokhles Harraz and his family. The company currently grows public table grape varieties and is eager to satisfy its customers’ varietal needs by adding new and innovative table grape varieties from Sun World.
Belco is a family business owned by the El Beltagy family which has been growing table grapes since 1958. The export business was established in 1993 and today it cultivates around 3,000 acres producing and exporting a wide range of crops including table grapes, strawberries, stone fruits, mangoes, raspberries, and various vegetables to the largest retailers in the UK, Europe, Africa and Asia.
Daltex, established in the ’60s, is a major exporter of potatoes with 42% market share and also occupies a significant share of the Egyptian citrus market, followed by substantial table grapes exports. “There is nothing more delightful and exciting to us than finally shaking hands and joining such a great family of breeders. It is an absolute pleasure to be part of Sun World’s global licensing community. This is the start of a new chapter into growing our businesses together to achieve the most optimum fruitful results for both ends,” noted Mohamed Abd El-Fattah, Daltex Marketing Communication spokesman.
El Roda Company for Agricultural Development, established in 1987, was one of the first Egyptian commercial table grape farms to shift its sales focus to the export market in the early ’90s and has since maintained a leading role in the industry managing the largest flame seedless vineyard in the country. El Roda adds noteworthy table grape supply and distribution capacity to key markets such as Europe, Middle East, Far East, and Africa, with the majority of their production being exported to the UK market.
Fayed Horticulture Export Ltd. Co. (FATA), was established in 1995 and joined the Sun World licensing community in 2018 as a stone fruit grower and marketer by its sister company FayedEx, and today the company expands its Sun World portfolio to include table grapes. FayedEx / FATA has received numerous accolades and global accreditations for its operational excellence, premium quality fruit and ethical farming practices.
Magrabi Agriculture SAE (MAFA), is Egypt’s largest table grape grower and packer, producing over 100,000 tons of fruit yearly and exporting globally to 61 countries. In addition to table grapes, the company also grows and exports citrus, pomegranates, dates, mangos, strawberries, lettuce and capsicum.
Sun World’s existing Italian licensed grape marketers include Giuliano, Di Donna, Orchidea Frutta, Peviani, Salvi Unacoa, and Unifrutti, while Agrintesa and Apofruit Italia are licensed marketers of Sun World’s table grape and stone fruit varieties. Joining this select group of Sun World licensed marketers in Italy are:
AgriMessina is a family-run business and one of the oldest leading growers and exporters of table grapes out of Puglia, Italy. “Having been one of the first Italian licensees for SUPERIOR SEEDLESS®, Agrimessina is extremely delighted to finally become a Sun World licensed marketer. By adding Sun World’s AUTUMNCRISP® branded grapes to our portfolio, we are able to prolong our green grape season and provide flavorful varieties like SABLE SEEDLESS® to our valued customers,” Sales Manager Francesco Messina noted.
Agricoper’s ancient family tradition started in 1938 in Puglia, the heel of Italy’s boot, where its vineyards have found their ideal habitat, perfectly embodying, through their colors and aromas, the essence of the Mediterranean values. “Our business is constantly growing, thanks to the efforts and knowledge of the Liturri family and their experienced team, that led Agricoper to became one of the biggest Italian growers and exporters of table grapes,” Sales & Marketing Manager Domenico Liturri stated.
“Everything we do, and every aspect of our breeding and genetics program, is done with the success and prosperity of our growers and marketers in mind,” continued Swinburn. “I’m delighted to welcome these impressive new marketers to the global Sun World Community.”