
Strong US demand for fresh produce 

January saw a 9.7% year-on-year rise in sales of produce, according to a report by the PMA, IRI and 210 Analytics. The figure excludes online-only and delivery e-commerce sales, which are well up on 2020 levels.
mer 17/03/2021 by Richard Wilkinson

Fresh Produce India to be held online in 2021

Fresh Produce India is enhancing its digital format in 2021. New networking tools mean visitors can load their own profile to connect and interact with all attendees via live video […]
jeu 04/03/2021 by Richard Wilkinson

Discover New Opportunities in 2021

FRESH PRODUCE INDIA will be a digital event on Thursday 22 April 2021 where attendees can learn about fresh opportunities for imported fruits, and how online channels provide new and […]
mar 02/02/2021 by Richard Wilkinson

Freshfel calls on EC for more financial support for marketing

Freshfel Europe has pressed the European Commission to maintain a €200m promotional budget in its 2021 Annual Work Programme (AWP) and double the amount set aside for the fruit and […]
mar 10/11/2020 by Richard Wilkinson

Australia targets European organic markets

The Australian government has taken a further step to promote the country’s organic agriculture by providing €60,000 in funding for industry body Australian Organics to support exporters targeting German, Swedish […]
lun 09/11/2020 by Richard Wilkinson

Growth in demand for fresh produce slows

Signs have appeared indicating a slowdown in the strong growth of consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables registered during the pandemic, according to the latest data published by Spain’s Ministry […]
lun 02/11/2020 by Richard Wilkinson

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