
Del Monte France offers compostable labels for bananas

lun 07/03/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

As part of its efforts to strengthen its commitment to sustainable development, the French subsidiary of the Fresh Del Monte group is offering plastic-free and compostable labels on all of its bananas sold in the country.

Eric Hellot, president and director of Del Monte France SAS, said: « In this way, Del Monte becomes one of the first major brands in France to offer this sustainable alternative to one of the favourite fruits of the French.”

The new labels are available on Cavendish, mini-bananas and plantains, from different origins including Costa Rica and Ecuador, and with different certifications (Sustainably grown SCS Global Services, Organic, Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance).
Del Monte’s labels meet the French domestic composting standard NF T 51-800 and complies with the anti-waste law for a circular economy (AGEC, n° 2020-105 Article 80).
Certified ‘OK compost HOME’, the labels guarantee that their components – adhesive, material and inks – can be home composted and meet all EU food safety requirements.

A statement from Del Monte said: « Although composting is nature’s way of recycling natural waste, these labels should not be disposed of in nature, but in an environment intended for this purpose. In a compost bin, the right mix of dry materials (or brown waste such as twigs, paper, etc.) and wet materials (or green waste such as cut grass, fruit pits, etc.) will ensure the transformation into useful material. If you do not have a composter, the trash can or the sorting bin will do the trick. »



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