
Del Monte France offers compostable labels for bananas

Del Monte France offers compostable labels for bananas
As part of its efforts to strengthen its commitment to sustainable development, the French subsidiary of the Fresh Del Monte group is offering plastic-free and compostable labels on all of […]
lun 07/03/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

Sinclair offers home-compostable fruit label

Sinclair offers home-compostable fruit label
Responding to the ever-stricter requirements on labelling across the world, Sinclair has developed a label that meets the highest standards requiring that labels be compostable at home.  In a statement, […]
mer 09/02/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

Whole Foods unveils responsible sourcing label

North American retailer Whole Foods has developed an exclusive third-party-certification programme called Sourced for Good which is aimed at allowing customers to choose products that support workers, communities and the environment
lun 12/04/2021 by Richard Wilkinson

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