Mexico shifts towards sustainability

The Mexican government is promoting more sustainable forms of agriculture. The country’s Secretariats of Agriculture and Rural Development and Environment and Natural Resources and the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) are both encouraging agricultural processes free of agrochemicals and glyphosate. Cultivation alternatives for replacing glyphosate will be gradual and definitive, as the presidential decree mandates from December 31, 2020.
On June 12, in the Ejido de Canán, Municipality of Culiacán, Sinaloa, producer Claudio Beltrán Ramírez demonstrated the threshing of one hectare, of a total area of 600 hectares of white corn cultivated free of agrochemicals and glyphosate.
This was documented before a public notary and witnessed by a verification commission made up of producers from various states of the Mexican Republic.
The cultivation of these hectares was carried out under an integrated knowledge and management model (ACCI-MICI), characterised by the interaction of scientific knowledge with the knowledge of farmers and producers. With this model, a constant measurement of soil and plant conditions is carried out: pH level, electrical conductivity, compaction, presence of minerals and health situation, as well as biological control of pests, use of stubble and organic matter, use of microorganisms, LombricosTos, leachate and other bioinsums.