
Sinclair offers home-compostable fruit label

mer 09/02/2022 by Richard Wilkinson
Eurofresh Distribution

Responding to the ever-stricter requirements on labelling across the world, Sinclair has developed a label that meets the highest standards requiring that labels be compostable at home. 
In a statement, Sinclair senior marketing manager Duncan Jones, wrote: “It has not been an easy development road to meet the French legislation for January 1, 2022, but Sinclair EcoLabel HOME meets French home composting standard NF T 51-800 and complies with French law no. 2020-105 Article 80. The label construction has independent ‘OK compost HOME’ certification from TÜV AUSTRIA, having passed the home composting testing requirements.”
The label is suitable both for hand labelling and high-speed automatic labelling, according to the company. It is also free of plastic and is partially bio-based. Sinclair says that it can degrade into usable compost within 365 days. The first order for the labels was placed for bananas grown in Ecuador and Colombia and destined for the French market.


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